Monday, April 22, 2013


In this blogspot you can find sources of information about improving the athletes performance in four sports which are: soccer, badminton, tennis, and taekwondo by using legal or illegal ways such as using medicines they need to use, the diet programs they need to consume, the training they need to do, as well as special modification, etc.

Before we proceed to the contents, we are going to discuss the importance of respiratory, muscular and circulatory endurance for the athlete. 
First, we are going to introduce the respiratory, muscular, and circulatory system. 

Respiratory system
This is the picture about human organs of the respiratory system.

Our respiratory system is a process of breathing in oxygen which we call it inspiration and breathing out which we call it expiration. Our respiratory system consists of nose, lungs, bronchus, bronchioles, and alveoli.

Our respiratory system starts from the oxygen we breathe in (inspiration), then it goes to the lungs. This is called external respiration.

This is the picture of our lungs.

When we breathe in, our diaphragm muscles contracts to make our lungs bigger so it can be filled by oxygen. When we breathe out, our diaphragm muscles relaxes.

In the lungs, the oxygen goes to the alveoli, passes by diffusion and then the oxygen is carried by the hemoglobin. This is called internal respiration. Hemoglobin is found in the red blood cellBlood plasma carries the blood cells. Then the blood goes through pulmonary vein and enters the heart. 

This is the picture of the heart. 

Heart consists of right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle, tricuspid valve, and bicuspid valve.

The oxygen enters through pulmonary vein from alveoli to the heart, then it enters the left atrium, through bicuspid valve to left ventricle which will then be pumped to the whole body through the artery and arteriole (the smallest artery) along with the nutrients we get from the food we digested to the cells.

Circulatory system
This is the picture of the circulatory system.

Our circulatory system is a complex system that enables our body to circulate blood that contains  oxygen and nutrition to all parts of the body that is needed for daily activities. Our circulatory system is made up of blood, blood vessels, and heart.

The heart pumped the blood from the heart to the cells through artery and articles.
Cells are the smallest structure of a living things. A collection of exactly the same cells that carries the same task is called tissues. Layers of different tissues working together to do a particular job is called organsOrgan system is a group of organs working together to do a particular job.

This is the picture of our cells. 

In the cell, the cellular respiration takes place. The oxygen and the glucose from the food we consume is transformed to ATP, carbon dioxide, and water in mitochondria. The water is our urine or sweat and will be removed by skin or kidney. 

The deoxygenated blood (contains carbon dioxide, not oxygen) from the cells goes back through the venule (the smallest vein) and superior vena cava (vein that has a large diameter)  to the heart. It enters the right atrium, through tricuspid valve to right ventricle then to the lungs through the pulmonary artery.  

In the lungs, carbon dioxide enters the alveoli by diffusion. The carbon dioxide goes through the alveoli and lungs back to the nose as we exhale them (expiration). 

The process of blood travels from the body to the heart then to the lungs then goes back to the heart, pumped to the whole body and go back to the heart is called double circulation of blood.

The ATP energy we stored in the mitochondria will be used to do activities but it can only be used for only 1-2 seconds unless we trained our muscle it can be used up to 6-9 seconds. we would discuss this later below.

Muscular system consists of three types of muscle cell: skeletal, cardiac, and muscle system.
Skeletal muscle exists in the hands and legs. Cardiac muscle exists in the heart. Smooth muscle exists in the digestive system. 

Muscular system is used to maintain our posture, maintain heat in the body, and movement. Now we are going to discuss each of the muscle cells.

Skeletal muscle

Skeletal muscle is used for maintain our body posture, movement, and it covers our skeletons. This muscle works in pairs so they can move in two ways. One example is our arm.

The muscles in our arm works in antagonistic pairs so they can move the arm in both direction. The upper muscle in our arm is called biceps and the other muscle is called triceps.
When we lift our arm, our biceps contract and our triceps relax. But if we don't lift our arm, our triceps contract and our biceps relax.
In the diagram above, there are origin and insertion. They are the types of tendons. Origin is the tendon that connects with a non-moving bond. Insertion is the tendon that connects with moving bond.

Cardiac muscle

This muscle made our heart. Unlike other muscles, they never gets tired. It works automatically and constantly without even pausing to rest. This muscle contracts to squeeze blood out of our heart, and relaxes to fill our heart with blood.

Smooth muscle

Smooth muscle exists in hollow organs which is found in the digestive system. They work automatically and we can't control the muscle.
The muscular walls in our intestine contracts to push our food through our body.
Muscle in our bladder contracted to expel our urine out of our body.
For women, muscles are used to push the baby out of the body during childbirth.

We must improve the endurance of the respiratory, muscular, and circulatory system  of the athletes so during a competition, they don't get tired easily. How do we improve the endurance of these three systems?

Here are the links below to proceed to the training and tips to improve the performance of your athletes according to your sports...


- to go to Yansen's soccer program (click below)

-to go to Jason's badminton program (click below)

- to go to Julian's tennis program (click below)

-to go to Fauzan Rahman's program (click below)

-to go to the bibliography (click below)