Fauzan Rahman's taekwondo program


Taekwondo is a martial art known for its emphasis on kicking techniques. By learning Taekwondo, you will physically develop strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. Because there are numerous kicking and punching techniques, you need to improve stamina, agility and strength.  Beside physical training, a proper amount of nutrition in the form of diet is important. However, professional athletes sometimes use drug to improve performance. In total there are three energy systems to how an athlete can get his or her energy. Number one  them is ATP-PC, this system uses the energy from the mitochondria. This system lasts for a very short time, it last about 1 to 3 seconds but if an athlete trains this, it could last around 7 to 9 seconds. the second system is called anaerobic and this does not need oxygen to work, instead it uses the glycogen from the carbohydrate foods and transforms them into ATP and lactic acid. this can produce fasterATP than aerobic but unfortunately it is unable to produce more ATP. LAst but not least is Aerobic, this system uses oxygen to make ATP. This system uses energy from the glucose. this system takes a while before actually activating, it takes around 3 minutes to get the system up and running.

This article would elaborate the trainings and diets necessary to improve an athlete’s performance.

Stamina training – By improving stamina, you will be able to accomplish or withstand a higher amount of effort than your original capabilities. Increasing endurance has been proven to release endorphins resulting in positive mind. The act of gaining endurance has been shown to decrease anxiety, depression, and stress, or any chronic disease in total .
There are a lot of ways to increase stamina. For example, swimming, cycling, aerobic exercises such as jumping jacks and squats, and even jump rope. Stamina is important because you would need to be able to hit and kick multiple times and this training can increase the number of punches and kicks you can do before tiring out. 

Strength training – this can increase your overall power, from your punches until your kicks. When properly performed, strength training can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being, including increased bone, muscle, tendon and ligament strength and toughness, improved joint function, reduced potential for injury, increased bone density, increased metabolism, improved cardiac function, and elevated HDL (good) cholesterolthis exercise gives would be muscle gaining and can be injury, if an athlete would do improper execution, it could result to injury.

For stronger Taekwondo kicks, you should do leg press lunge, squat thrust. For more powerful Taekwondo punches & blocks, you should do push-ups, pull-ups, and dumbbell flys. 

Agility training – agility is the ability of a person to be very quick and maintaining power at the same time. Example of ways of increasing ones agility is running in place, zigzag running, speed kicks, sideways running in small steps.
Without agility, a person will not be able to do an effective counter attack or even a normal attack. agility training helps the athlete dodge opponents kicks and punches, 

Benefits and limitation:

Benefits of this exercise program focuses on improving an athletes strength, stamina and agility. This program wil make you perform better. the strength part of this program will insure you that you have the amount of power that is needed to win, this will also improve your endurance which lets you last longer while you are having a spar with your opponent and lets not forget that this program will increase your reflexes and your ability to dodge enemy attack and countering their moves.

though this program has its benefits, it also has some limitations. Doing an activity wrongly could cause your to be muscle sprained. over doing the program can cause fatigue and make you pass out or even heart failure. a suggestion is to start out small and light before starting to do heavy training that is able to tire you out.


Taekwondo involves lots of vigorous exercise and you will need to improve your diet if you want to get the most out of this martial art.  You will want to build lean muscle mass and lose any extra weight in order to maximize your endurance and power.  You will also need to get a lot of energy and drink a lot of water so you wont get dehydrated.             

This pyramid shows what are the foods that you should eat the most and eat least

Water is very needed because you will need something to replace the lost water. Try to avoid soda as this jus gives you excess sugar.
Best intake for breakfast:
a picture of a low fat milk

Cereal – with low-fat milk 
Yogurt – low-fat, plain or fruit 
French toast and/or pancakes – with no added butter or margarine 
Egg dishes – not fried 
Ham or steak – if lean/not fried (small amounts) 
Potato – not fried 
Rice – not fried 
Noodles, Pasta 
Toast – with limited amounts of butter/margarine 
Muffins – try jam or jelly, not butter 
Beverages – Athletes should drink plenty of fluid!

Best intake for lunch or dinner:

These and examples of fruits and vegetables
that can be used for this diet
-Fruit and vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices – 
fresh, canned, cartons 
-Soups – broth-based 
-Meat, Fish, Poultry – broiled, roasted, baked, 
barbecued, poached (reasonable portions; trimmed fat; 
skin from chicken removed) 
-Cold cuts – turkey, chicken, lean beef, lean ham 
(reasonable portions) 
-Meat alternatives – beans, peas, and lentil dishes if 
these are familiar foods; gas produced when these foods 
are not part of the usual diet can cause discomfort. 
-Vegetables – steamed, boiled, baked 
-Potatoes – baked, boiled, mashed (without 
-Rice – steamed, plain 
-Noodles – plain 
-Pasta – plain or tomato or vegetable sauce 
-Bread – rolls, crackers, all breads 
-Salads – bean, peeled fresh vegetables, fruit salad, 
low-fat cottage cheese; (small amount of dressing) 
-Desserts – fruit, yogurt (low fat), custards, puddings 
-Cheese – in moderation

Foods that need to be avoided:

- Fatty foods, because they are slow to digest 

- Protein-rich food, because they are slow to digest and 
are not needed as fuel during exercise 

- Alcoholic beverages such as wine, and beer, because
they can have a dehydrating effect. 

- Spicy foods may be difficult to digest prior to exertion.
(When traveling in other countries, athletes can bring a
few favorite spices if they are already used to them.) 
Prior to exercise, fiber-rich foods like whole-grain
bread, cookies, and whole-wheat cereals, dried fruits 
(prunes, etc.)stimulate digestion and induce elimination. 
These foods should be avoided, especially if the athlete 
has diarrhea. 

- Gas-producing foods like cabbage, broccoli, onions, 
and carbonated drinks, make some athletes feel bloated. 
Coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate may cause diarrhea, 
which can have a dehydrating effect.

Benefits and limitation:

the benefits from this diet would be that your body will be very fit and have lots of stored energy. diets like this can lower your chances of getting diseases and sicknesses. it can protect your body from becoming obese and can even make your live longer. for people who have trouble resting or stressed out, you should try this diet as it can make you rest peacefully and feel relaxed most of the time.

though the det has a lot of benefits, there are still limitations for example Usually more expensive because they are usually natural or organic, sometimes these type of foods can be a bit boring and repetitive which isn't good. for the first week or so you will have to start getting used to eating healthy as your body isn't quite used to all the healthy foods because usually you consume junk foods. 

Drugs legal and illegal can benefit a fighter to be faster, stronger, removes pain and even increase body fat loss. They can increase your performance and give you more muscle and power. However, be careful because some drugs can actually harm your body. So make sure to know what you are using before using them. Examples for drugs are:

Anabolic agents-increases strength and muscle size

Narcotic analgesics-kills pain (make athletes able to run further and faster cause they feel no pain)

Diuretics-makes you urinate more often, leading to weight loss

Steroids-improves performance and get more muscle and power

This picture shows what drug tablets and pills look like

Benefits and limitations:

Benefits for taking these drugs are very big. they can make all kind of things happen. drugs can make your muscle growth faster and make you more muscular, which is useful when landing a hit on your opponent. there are drugs that can remove pain from your body which lets you move faster without your body tiring out and feeing pain. theres even a drug which makes you urinate more often which results to weight loss which is helpful in some ways.

Big benefits come with big downsides, though all these drugs can make your body work really well and powerful, drugs can be fatal as a result. overdosage of these types of drugs can result to brain failure and even heart failure. if you plan on using any, legal or illegal make sure you know what you are doing before anything else, or it could ruin your whole body.